7 Tips For Proper Tattoo Aftercare

A tattoo gun placed on a metal rack. The rack is wrapped in saran wrap for protection. On the wrap is a pen a cup of water, a white ink tub and a black ink tub, the tattoo is finished and now we start with tattoo aftercare.

Tattoo Aftercare is an absolutely essential process. After getting a tattoo, you essentially have an open wound that you need to take care of so that it heals properly. The problem is that far too many people don’t keep to or put enough effort into proper tattoo aftercare. It’s unfortunate as that can cause issues or premature fading. To help you avoid any of these negative possibilities, especially if this is your first tattoo, I have compiled this list of tips for proper tattoo aftercare.

7. No! The Sun! It Buuuuuuuurns!

Everyone has experienced that sensation of being in the sun for too long. Maybe it turns red, maybe it doesn’t. Yet, I’m sure you know the feeling of it burning. How the skin feels tight as if pulled thin like a fresh bedsheet on a mattress a little bit too big. Then there’s the peeling.

It’s gross. I hate it. I got my first sunburn a few years ago. Now I can’t stay in the sun for more than a couple of hours without looking like a cherry tomato. It sucks.

If that is what the sun does to your skin, just imagine what it will do to your tattoos. Getting a wound on a wound sounds unpleasant to me. Yet it’s more than that. It can actually cause fading in your tattoo’s ink to the point of permanent damage.

Therefore, when in the sun, especially when it’s healing, you need to cover that gorgeous piece of art up. In fact, do what you can to keep that tattoo out of the sun as much as possible period. If that’s not an option, there are some tattoo-friendly suntan lotions and sunscreens out there.

6. Fish out of Water

No one likes being a fish out of water. It sucks, but for the next few weeks, you will be one.

Trust me, I get it. It’s the worst. I get tattoos from all over the world, and then I have to refrain from going to the beach or a pool. It’s even worse these days, when it’s always so bloody hot.

That being said, it is far better than the alternative. If you do decide to forgo the warning, you could very well be in for an infected tattoo.

Trust me, no one wants an infected tattoo. They suck! They swell and hurt and get all pussy. Even just a light breeze can cause enormous pain.

So refrain from doing anything that may cause that fresh tattoo to be submerged in water. It doesn’t matter if it’s fresh or salt, stagnant or running. Bacteria and open wounds just don’t mix.

Instead, shower and wash that puppy with some unscented soap. When finished, pat dry, and you are good to go! 

You’ll be able to get back in the water before you know it.

5. It’s Just as Important as in BDSM

If you know, you know. Yet, I can’t stress this enough. Tattoo aftercare is the most important thing you can do.

Too many times have I seen the result of poor aftercare. It leads to poor healing, infections, scarring, and so much more.

Don’t dismiss proper tattoo aftercare. After all, you are going to have this piece of art on you for the rest of your life. 

The last thing you would want to have happen is for it to look amazing when finished, but then when done healing, it just looks bad.

4. Bop It!

The tattoo will itch. It will drive you nuts. As you heal, it will take all your effort not to just scratch it like a rabid dog.

Even as I type this, the tattoo on my hand is driving me wild. All I want to do is rake my nails across it. That would cause damage, though, and we don’t want that.

So what should you do instead?

Well, do you remember those Bop It’s that you had as a kid? If you don’t then you need to watch the video below. 

Man, commercials from 2003 are bad.

When I had one, I was not friendly. I would smack the life out of it every time it shouted out “BOP IT”!

Well, that’s what you’ve got to do. Slap your tattoo like it’s going out of style. It will sting, but it will make the itch subside.

Then you have nothing, but sweet relief. Sweet, sweet relief.

3. Have You Heard of Scarification?

If not, it’s actually really cool. Instead of tattoos, some African Tribes will cause permanent scarring in different shapes and designs on their body. It is a wicked cool method, but I bet it’s super painful like other traditional tattooing methods.

 What kind of aftercare could you even prescribe for that?! I’ll find out when I go experience it in Africa and let you know.

But since you are looking at a post giving tips for proper tattoo aftercare, I’m willing to bet you aren’t wanting scarification.

So stop picking! You. Yes, you! Yeah, I can see you there picking at your tattoo as it flakes. Oh, now you’re picking at pieces that aren’t even flaking off! Stop!

That will cause major scarring, so lay off it.

2. Doctor’s Orders

We all stop taking the pills the doctor prescribed once we are feeling better. They tell us not to, but what do they know? They are just doctors! (Looking at all of you anti-vaxxers out there) 

That’s all well and good, but when it comes to proper tattoo aftercare, you must follow through. The tattoo artist’s words are absolute. 

Whether they only give you directions for two weeks or they list out the next couple of months. You have to listen. Write it down if you have to, but get it done.

They are a wellspring of information. Some will use second skin, some won’t. Each artist has different instructions and methods for their aftercare.

Trust me. No matter what you believe, you do not know better. These people have been doing this for years and have tried different methods.

That means you can’t just go off what your last tattoo artist said. Each artist has different styles and methods. Some have a heavy hand; others light. The guy who just tattooed you knows what they do, so they know how you should take care of it. Not your last tattoo artist; not your friend you’ve known since you were 16. Listen to the artist.

Most artists will recommend some things, though. Wash the tattoo with unscented soap and lather it up with either an unscented cream, salve, or ointment. Ask them what brands they recommend to play it safe.

With good tattoo aftercare, something that we take into account when rating a studio, your new artwork will come out crisp and clean. After all, that is what you want from a piece of art you will have on you for life.

1. Gotta Catch ‘em All

So what next? Now comes the fun part. You can wait for your tattoo to heal to start this next process, or not. Completely up to you.

Assuming your tattoo has somewhat healed up, I’m willing to bet that you are already wanting another one. Then another one. Maybe just one more.

That’s awesome. Do it. Collect as many as you can. I would love to see them!  Overdone or not!

In fact, you can submit photos of your tattoos to tattoos@nomadicinscriptions.com for a chance to be featured on our blog and/or our Instagram.

In Conclusion:

Your tattoo is healed now. So that’s it, right? Not even close. There are different methods of continuous tattoo aftercare you can take for Spring, Summer, Winter, and Fall!

Whatever you do though, make sure you take proper care of your tattoo so it is pristine, crisp, and clean when it is fully healed. These tips will help you do so.

7. No! The Sun! It Buuuuuuuurns!

6. Fish out of Water

5. It’s Just as Important as in BDSM

4. Bop It!

3. Have You Heard of Scarification?

2. Doctor’s Orders

1. Gotta Catch ‘em All

If you think there are any tips that we may have missed, let us know in the comments below! 

Until next time, stay safe and enjoy becoming authentically inscribed.

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I recommend only products and companies I use.

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