11 Essential Tips For Your First Tattoo

A shelf full of various tattoo inks of all colours. The bottles are all lined up in two to three rows. The tattoo inks are orange, red cyan, blue , turquiose, gold, and so many more. Perfect for a first tattoo.

So you’re ready to get a tattoo. Maybe this is your first tattoo or perhaps it’s your 100th. Either way, you should be well prepared for your appointment. Especially if this is your first tattoo as you may have no idea what exactly it is you’re getting yourself into. I mean, that would be why you’re looking at tips for getting your first tattoo, right?

Even if you are heavily tattooed, I’d challenge you not to just sit there and scoff. Even someone with all the tattoos can forget a step or two along the way. Whether you want to consider this to be a refresher or just sheer entertainment you do you. If you want to tell me I’m wrong then the comment section is down below.

If this is your first tattoo I hope you find these tips help you at the beginning of your journey.

11. Taboos

With everything there are taboos. Things you should or shouldn’t do. If you are getting your very first tattoo you most likely don’t know what the tattoo taboos are.

It would be beneficial to learn at least some of those taboos. Such as having good hygiene, the annoying things tattoo artists hate hearing, or proper tattoo etiquette. 

10. Stylistic Soulmates

You currently taking your first steps towards getting a piece of art that you will carry with you for the rest of your life.  That’s awesome! I’m excited to be on this journey with you.

Most people have a very special connection to their first tattoo. They want it to look at a hundred options and pick the best one. You should! Go for it. Your first tattoo will be a memory you should cherish. It doesn’t even matter if it’s overdone as long as it matters to you.

You want to find an artist that matches your vision of the style you want. Spend time looking for the right artist

The last thing you want to do is try to get an artist who specializes in classic tattoos to give you a realism piece. Chances are they will either turn you away or you won’t be very happy with the result.

So take your time. Go through a bunch of artist’s portfolios. If you think the art in their portfolio is mediocre then move on. The last thing you want is a cringey tattoo.

Find your stylistic soulmate. Maybe that person will end up being your permanent artist. After all, you don’t have to stop after your first tattoo.

9.“What Does it Mean?”

There are two main questions I get about my tattoos. The first one comes with the territory of getting tattoos from around the world. 

“Where did that one come from?”

The other question is the question everyone with a tattoo has heard at least once. Most have heard it hundreds of times.

“What does it mean?” 

Don’t get me wrong. Most people love sharing the stories, but after the hundredth time doing so, it gets a bit old. Be prepared for it.

This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to have a meaning behind it. If you want to get a tattoo just because it looks cool then go for it!

On the other hand, if your reason is deep and personal then don’t feel like you have to share because you don’t. What you tell people is entirely up to you.

Just be prepared to be asked this question for the rest of your life.

8. It Puts the Lotion on its Skin

Once upon a time, I was told a tip. It was a tip given to me before getting my very own first tattoo at 18. I don’t know how true it is, but to this day if I know when I’ll be getting my next tattoo I make sure to do this.

For two weeks leading up to your tattoo, you should lotion up the area. This will make the skin a lot softer making it easier for the needles to bury the ink in your skin and help it heal faster. As well as make it hurt less.

Maybe this isn’t true. Perhaps my experiences with it have been a placebo effect. However, in my experience every time I have had the time to do this it has made the whole process both easier and nicer. 

So give it a shot! The worst thing that will happen is you have skin as smooth as a baby’s bottom.

7. Raise the Red Flags and Prepare For Battle!

Always be aware of any red flags that can appear in a tattoo shop. If the shop is dirty it’s probably not a good idea to get a tattoo there. The last thing you want for your first tattoo experience is a gross, infected mess of a tattoo. 

Another red flag that is unfortunately far too common is the skeevy tattoo artist who is a borderline sexual predator. The vast majority of artists, however, are super-professional. Nine times out of ten you won’t have to worry about this.

Saying that though chances are you will know pretty quickly if you don’t want to be alone in a room with someone. Especially if that person is working near sensitive areas.

Let’s be honest you probably can tell pretty quickly if you don’t want someone near your hooha 

6. I’m So Wasted/High 

Most studios these days will write this right into their waiver forms. Artists don’t want to tattoo people who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

There are a lot of reasons for this, but I will touch on the two biggest ones that will affect you.

First, drugs and alcohol affect the blood in different ways. Alcohol for instance can act as a blood thinner. This means you are more likely to bleed. Bleeding in tattoos can make it harder for the ink to take which can lead to a bad first tattoo experience.

Second, you will care a lot less about moving around. This can cause you to jerk around or bump the artist at the worst times.  Was that line supposed to be straight? …Oops.

5. Besties! 

Getting your first tattoo can be both an exciting and terrifying experience. No one would blame you if you want to bring some company along. Having a hand to hold can be a great way to get through it.

That being said I would say one person in the room with you would probably be the max. Any more than that and the area gets crowded and the artist will get annoyed. That is if there is even space.

A really common example of this, especially with a first tattoo, is matching tattoos. These tattoos tend to be one after another and the person you are getting tattooed with will be in the room with you.

4. The Lights Have Gone Out!

Some people are prone to fainting. That could be due to low blood sugar, the sight of blood, or something else entirely. This is normal. It happens a lot more than you think it would. 

So if this is you then take the time to mention it to your tattoo artist. If this is your first tattoo and you are not quite sure, but think it’s possible then mention that.

Tattoo artists are usually really understanding and usually have some experience with this. It is better to say something and not faint than to not say anything and faint on them causing a mess or worse.

3. Sugar Rush 

Whether you faint or not low blood sugar can still be an issue. When your blood sugar drops it causes a lot of negative effects. One of the worst effects when getting a tattoo is that pain will be intensified.

Every tattoo I get I make sure to bring a couple of snacks and at least one sugary drink. Whenever I get tired or start to feel a significant bit more pain I will have a snack or a couple of swigs from the drink. 

This will also give you the chance to get a quick break. Take a few minutes and prepare for the next stretch. 

2a. It’s Going to F@#%^g Hurt 

It is. You can’t deny it. Anyone who tells you it doesn’t is lying. Even more so if you’re going for a traditional method of tattooing.

While it is true that everyone has a different pain tolerance, you are still having a needle constantly being drilled into your skin. At the very least there is going to be a dull ache or stinging.

Yet there is a way the mentally lessen the pain.

 Have you ever had a friend who hyped up a movie way too much? How they go on and on about it being the best thing they have ever seen. Then when you finally watch the film it’s okay, but kinda meh in comparison.

Do that to yourself about the pain. Psyche yourself out. Make it out like it is going to be the worst pain you can imagine over a long period. 

The more you scare yourself the more likely you are to find that it doesn’t hurt even close to as much as you thought it would. 

2b. And Maybe You’ll Like it

A lot of people who get tattoos end up loving the feeling. They refer to it as “Tattoo Therapy” and swear by it. It’s actually one of the reasons that some people go back for more and more.

My first tattoo was rough. It covered some old scars and hurt a lot. Although it was super intense I found myself enjoying it about halfway through. Now I can’t get enough!

I hope you enjoy it too.

1. Follow the Prescription

Are you someone who goes to the doctor when they are sick, but if they feel better before finishing the prescribed antibiotics will just stop taking them? Perhaps leave three or four pills in the bottle? I know I am.

Although recommended against you can usually get away with doing that and be fine. However, this is not the case with tattoo aftercare. Especially when it is your first tattoo.

Your tattoo artist is going to give you specific instructions on how to take care of your tattoo. They may give you directions for as few as two weeks, but they may also give directions up to a couple of months.

No matter what they say follow their instructions to the letter. Take notes if you need to. Everything they are telling you is in the best interest of your tattoo to heal and be cared for properly during that process. Proper tattoo aftercare is important.

Their word is law.

In Conclusion:

Whether this is your first tattoo or some dozens down the line stay vigilant. I wrote these tips for you so that you may have the best experience possible no matter what number of tattoos this is for you.

I am glad I could be a part of your tattoo journey and I would love to see your tattoos! Feel free to send me your tattoos to tattoos@nomadicinscriptions.com. If you’re lucky we might feature you in one of our posts or on our Instagram.

For the best experience with your first tattoo and many after I present to you these tips.

11. Taboos

10. Stylistic Soulmates

9. ”What Does it Mean?”

8. It Puts the Lotion on its Skin

7. Raise the Red Flags and Prepare for Battle!

6. I’m So Wasted/High

5. Besties!

4. The Lights Have Gone Out!

3. Sugar Rush

2a. It’s Going to F@#%^g Hurt

2b. And Maybe You’ll Like it

1. Follow the Prescription

If you think there are any tips that we may have missed let us know in the comments below! 

Until next time stay safe and enjoy becoming authentically inscribed.

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I recommend only products and companies I use.

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Lisa and I at Lake Toplitz in austira standing in front of the lake waering raincoats cause it is raining.

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