Common Myths About Mexico: Separating Fact From Fiction

I wasn’t planning on tackling Mexico so soon. I had been compiling all the events and notes from our trip and thought it was still time out. Yet as next week begins the 2022 Nomadic Inscriptions Choice Awards, I realized that it was essential to address some of the myths about Mexico as a sort […]

Why Too Good To Go Is Great For Cheap Food When Travelling.

the too good to go logo

A few weeks ago, we talked about how to find cheap and delicious food while on the road. That guide goes through methods that work in every country around the world. However, there is one method that we excluded due to the fact that, at least for now, it is specific to certain countries. That […]

A Nomad’s Guide to Tasty Travel: Finding Cheap and Delicious Food On The Road

Lisa eating a taco as she grabs for some sauce. Her tongue is stuck out. A woman in the background appears to be watching porn. It's not porn I assure you. All in the pursuit of finding cheap and delicious food while travelling

As someone who loves food (clearly!) and travels a lot, I put significant importance on finding the best cheap and delicious food wherever I go. Especially when I travel with my wife. I swear, she just travels for the food. Therefore, finding the right food is an absolute essential. Here are the methods I use […]

Discovering The Beauty Of Croatia: The Best Day Trips From Split

A lot of people spend most of their time in Croatia in one of the big cities, such as Zagreb or Split. By doing so, those people are missing out on so many amazing things that Croatia has to offer. So what is the best way to discover the beauty of Croatia while still being […]