Take Cash When Travelling: How To Avoid ATM Scams

In the states and a lot of western Europe there has been a rise in contactless payments and a decrease in cash usage. Between this and the fact that ATMs have started to have outrageous hidden charges people have lost faith in cash. However, there are still a lot of places in the world that […]

Doing Laundry in a Foreign Country

When it comes to my packing lists I constantly get asked how I get away with how little clothing I pick. Every time I travel I seem to take less and less. The answer is super simple, I just do laundry wherever I go. Doing laundry in a foreign country is way easier and less […]

The Art of TEFL for Making Money While Travelling.

This post may contain affiliate links, and yes, I may earn a small commission when you click on the links. However, that is at no additional cost to you. Please refer to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy pages if you would like more information. Everyone wants to travel. Yet when asked, most people […]

7 Ways to Make Money While Travelling

This post may contain affiliate links, and yes, I may earn a small commission when you click on the links. However, that is at no additional cost to you. Please refer to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy pages if you would like more information. When travelling, a few experienced people will spend weeks, […]

Renewing Your Passport in a Foreign Country.

Renewing your passport made easy

*Small disclaimer! I am writing this as a Canadian with what you have to do. For other Countries it may differ a bit. Most of the information is relevant for everyone, but the links will be Canadian specific.* Your Passport is about to expire…. Oh no!!! This was something I had a really hard time […]