Lobster Tattoo: A Nomadic Inscriber Review

One of the things we do when we travel is getting a tattoo in the countries we visit. Those tattoos are either the most traditional method and/or style possible or working with the artist to find something relevant to them as an artist and as a citizen of the country that they are from. So […]

Why I Would Never (Again) Choose to Live in Austria

A statue made of marble or stone and a gold like metal. Behind it is a traditional Austrian building and a blue sky. A man wearing a tan coat is walking in front of the statue. This is not one of the reasons I would never choose to live in Austria

Even as I sit here at a coffee shop on the beach in Croatia I find this extremely difficult to write. I don’t want to offend, but I fear that no matter how I write this I will offend someone. Hell, even the title will probably offend more than one. If I’m being honest with […]

7 Annoyingly Common Things Tattoo Artists Hate Hearing

A tattooed man wearing gloves setting up a tattoo gun. In the background you can see his inks, squeeze water bottle, and paper towels set up on a counter

Tattoo artists have dozens, if not hundreds, of conversations a day. They meet a whole slew of people constantly coming into their shop to ask questions and get tattoos. Over time they are bound to get sick of hearing the same thing over and over. Anyone would. I asked a bunch of my friends in […]

7 Ways You Can Make Everyday Earth Day

people walking around munich train station. Trains at their individual platform. top middle is a sign with the departures.

Recently, climate change and how we live have been brought to the forefront of human attention. This in turn has caused a myriad of posts to appear. I have been seeing a bunch of new posts centred around “the things you can do this Earth Day to help our planet.” It bothers me tremendously to […]

The Art of TEFL for Making Money While Travelling.

This post may contain affiliate links, and yes, I may earn a small commission when you click on the links. However, that is at no additional cost to you. Please refer to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy pages if you would like more information. Everyone wants to travel. Yet when asked, most people […]